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The Trademark BAUSEMER

As a naturopath Dr. phil. Olaf Bausemer has fought his way to the top of the therapeutics of biological cancer therapy.

Olaf Bausemer is “very down to earth” – this might sound strange at first, but his work bestows him with mental and emotional strengths, an inner calmness and stability. These give him the ability to successfully face and cope with, on a daily basis, the cancer topic and allows him to clearly and structively focus on his task for treating seriously ill tumor patients.

A high social competence, sovereignty and persuasiveness identify the naturopath, where the dignity and life quality of his patients are the focal point in the treatment.

Conversations with patients and family members are often not easy – therefore, he relies on openness, credibility and authenticity. Olaf Bausemer states that “Therapy concepts never come from off-the-shelf in my practice, but are based on the individual needs of the patient together with the highest quality standards of modern equipment, processes and medication, which is produced specifically for the patient.” His highly qualified practice team, consisting of naturopaths and specialized oncological nurses support him.

The Trademark Bausemer stands for more than 30 years of expertise within the complementary oncology sector, more than 30 years of successful cooperation with the best oncologists, more than 30 years of experience in the treatment of various tumor types and more than 30 years of personal and individual care and treatment for tumor patients worldwide.