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Book “Mut zum Leben mit Krebs”

by Dr. Olaf Bausemer

Buch „Mut zum Leben mit Krebs“

In the fight against cancer there is no simple path to choose – it far more depends upon the combination of conventional and complementary medicine. In complementary oncology it’s not just a matter of increasing the patient’s longevity, but also to make the patient’s life more worth living.  I accompany my patients and their families throughout the illness. In this way I provide many of these individuals with a longer and more enjoyable life. Many of these patients also recover completely from their illness. The gratefulness that I receive back, as a therapist, are the greatest gifts.

Cancer is still a taboo topic in our society. Nevertheless, the disease is part of our everyday life. Almost everyone knows someone in their environment who is affected by it. My book "courage to live with cancer" offers an orientation aid that is scientifically founded, informative, and at the same time also dispels prejudices against complementary medicine. Above all, it encourages those affected to continue in life on their own way.

Watch the trailer!

The book is available since October 2018 in bookstores: Verlag Forsbach | Amazon

Book premiere “Courage to live with cancer” by Dr. phil. Olaf Bausemer

On October 12th 2018 Dr. Olaf Bausemer, for the first time, presented his book “courage to live with cancer” to 120 invited guests from business, politics, medicine and culture as part of a stage show. The audience was extremely enthusiastic with the live presentation of the book, which was discussed in a dialogue between Natalia and Dr. Olaf Bausemer, and stood out from a classical reading. During the autographing session of his book, which he presented to his guests as a gift, guests were able to celebrate this event with mild temperatures on the terrace.

Film book premier | Film book premier RNF | Film RON TV

Book presentation in the Kitzbühel Country Club

On March 1st 2019 Dr. Olaf Bausemer presented his book “Courage to live with cancer” to 60 invited guests in the wonderful atmosphere of the Kitzbühel Country Club. The donation proceeds benefited the Leonardis Foundation.

Interview with Anja Viktoria Autenrieth in the KCCFilm book presentation Kitzbühel